Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So I decided today that I wanted to start a blog….I have no idea what it will be about or if I will write more than 3 entries before I get bored. I don’t think I have the attention span for a blog. I like to read other people’s though and sometimes I get in silly moods and it seems like a good idea. Today is one of those days. Not sure what it will be about but I’m guessing a diary of sorts as my life tends to be filled with plenty of drama.

The NAME....I'm sure some of you get it.  It comes from that saying "Not the brightest crayon in the box".  Instead of saying that, I usually say "he/she is not the yellow crayon" and people tend to look at me funny.  I just assume yellow is the brightest crayon, it's surely the happiest colour!  I personally would be the pink crayon if I had choice...but I'll make it fluorescent pink since I tend to be somewhat bright.  Well on certain days, in certain moods, about certain things.

Well I moved to Calgary from the east coast a little less than a year ago. I haven’t yet decided if it was a good idea or a bad one but hey the opportunity presented itself and I am bad at making decisions so I just impulsively said yes, thinking I would totally talk myself out of it before I actually packed up and moved to the other side of the country - but I didn’t. So now I’m here and all I do is work and sleep and drink too much. Packed on 18lbs of what I call loneliness weight and now thinking I should’ve used the summer to do something about that. Being that it’s not even officially fall yet, you would think that I would still have time but apparently it’s been the shittiest summer in Calgary history and, just my luck, the nicest and hottest summer in many years back on the east coast…..FML