Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pretty Sure Christmas = Fat

So it's almost Christmas and I've been doing really good at getting to the gym and/or doing Zuzana's Workouts I have even stopped eating my regular amount of junk food and now eat more vegetables.  You would think that would be a good thing with a Mexican vacation and a Christmas holiday with my sister who is pretty much the best baker ever!  But no....I am gaining weight rather than losing it.  I initially tried to tell myself that it is muscle but really the jiggle is all still jiggly so I really need to let that dream die.  I'm not exactly a Christmas person.  Not really in the spirit this year at all  No tree...I have a few wintery decorations:

And I brought Melton out of his summer storage (his name is Melton - it says so on his tag):

but that is as Christmasy as I am getting this year as I'm not looking forward to the Christmas weight gain. 

My New Years Resolution is already in place.....lose some weight!  I have decided that the gym is going to be a MUST 2-3 days a week and I need to lose the wine until my trip in February.  So no alcohol from New Year's Day until February 19.  That is the initial goal.  Will most likely have to give it up from February until June as well if I expect to fit into any of my summer clothes. 

It's just depressing, getting older.  I used to have fantastic metabolism.  Guess this is what happens at 30!

So Pre-New Years resolution is just to not go crazy with my sister's baked goods next week!  For anyone who has ever had my sister's baking - that is a definite challenge.  I would take any other advice offered though.

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